REPORT TAB #3: Organization Summaries

Tab 3 selection

Organization Summaries provides an overview, or summary, of organization specific data.  Data displayed is determined by the user's access.  The table format is identical to the University Summary table to allow users to compare unit performance to overall university performance.  Users have multiple options to drill down for further detail for additional analysis.

First, a user may choose to review department summaries.

  • This information provides the identical table format as in the university and organization summaries, however will display summary data for each specific department the user has access to.  This option allows the user to assess the progress of various departments and benchmark progress for a department vs. the MAU vs. the university. This option is especially useful for administrators who have access to multiple departments in a MAU.



Second, a user may choose to review the detail for the entire MAU or organizational unit.

  • This option will display employee level detail for all the organizations the user has access to. If a user has access to only one department, the user will only see the employee level detail for that department.  A user with access to all departments in an MAU will see employee detail for all departments. The user can choose to sort and filter the results for various levels of analysis.

