Faculty Handbook

Extension, Medical Care and Other Faculty/Academic Staff Service Activities


Michigan State University, as a land-grant institution, has long served the citizens of Michigan in a variety of ways in addition to teaching and research.

Today a substantial array of services is delivered to various publics both on- and off-campus. Faculty/academic staff assignments often include an expectation of this kind of service which may range from very modest to full-time activity. Some of these services may generate revenue for the University from fees charged to the public, as in the case of health care services in the Colleges of Human, Osteopathic and Veterinary Medicine.

In other cases, as with MSU Extension, the services are provided free to the public through funding from the Michigan legislature, local, county and municipal governments and the federal government. Faculty/academic staff should ascertain under which type of funding they are expected to deliver services and adhere closely to the procedures involved. Faculty/academic staff are protected as representatives of the University when delivering these formal University services, whether on- or off-campus.

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