Academic Specialist Manual

6.4 Elimination of Position

Positions can be eliminated due to loss of funding or changes in unit directions and needs. Such position eliminations can occur regardless of the rank or appointment status, i.e., fixed term, probationary or continuing, of the individual filling the position. This section is devoted to the procedures covering the elimination of academic specialist positions. 

6.4.1 Fixed Term Appointment Ending Date

Ordinarily, a fixed term position will be eliminated at the end of the current appointment period.

When a fixed term position is to be eliminated prior to the ending date of the current appointment, the effective date of separation from the University normally shall be at least two months from the notice of termination. However, this notice provision does not change the ending date of the fixed term appointment in effect at the time termination action is instituted. An additional fixed term appointment shall not be implemented solely for the purpose of satisfying the two-month notice period stipulated prior to termination.

6.4.2 Probationary Appointment

Availability of position funds and/or changes in the needs of the department or unit may result in the non reappointment of an academic specialist on a probationary appointment in the Academic Specialist Appointment System. This decision requires written approval of the dean/separately reporting director and the Provost. An academic specialist with probationary appointment status normally will be retained until the conclusion of the applicable probationary appointment period, but not less than six months after receipt of the termination notification.

6.4.3 Continuing Appointment Elimination

Availability of position funds and/or changes in the needs of the department or unit may result in the elimination of positions filled by the academic specialist with continuing appointment status. This section describes applicable procedures. Notification of Termination

If termination action is to be taken, the administrator must provide a written termination notice to the academic specialist. An academic specialist with continuing appointment status on an annual basis will be terminated no earlier than one calendar year after receipt of the termination notification. An academic specialist with continuing appointment status and an academic year appointment will be terminated no earlier than either the next August 15 or nine months after receiving the termination notice, whichever occurs later. Reassignment

An individual with continuing appointment status may be reassigned from one Academic Specialist Appointment System position to another within the same or in another academic unit with written approval of the Provost and written recommendation of the unit administrator(s) and the dean(s)/separately reporting director(s) involved. Such an individual will normally serve a two-year probationary period; reappointment after the probationary period will result in continuing appointment status. Relocation

Assistance in finding alternative employment opportunities will be afforded to the academic specialist in the Academic Specialist Appointment System with continuing appointment status and is described in the remainder of this section. This assistance is centered in the Office of the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs.

For two years following termination, the Office of the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs will provide the individual with information about academic specialist employment opportunities as these positions become available at the University.

During the two-year period following termination, the individual will be given priority consideration for interviews for any open Academic Specialist Appointment System position with duties and responsibilities that are similar to those previously held.

If the individual is chosen for a new position within the Academic Specialist Appointment System, that individual will normally serve a two-year probationary period at the end of which the individual will be eligible for continuing appointment status. Reappointment after the probationary period will result in continuing appointment status.

The individual may, of course, exercise the regular opportunities to apply for employment vacancies in the academic and University support personnel systems within the University.

Letters of reference, contacts with other employers, and other assistance may be provided when the academic specialist has a desire to pursue alternate employment opportunities outside the University.

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